Monday, January 7, 2008

nice weather / drinking tip

well, i had a nice relaxing Sunday working my ass off... i got up on the roof and took down all the Xmas lights, then i cleaned out the garage, because during the week, i was emptying the shop vac and knocking all the drywall dust out of it's filter, in the trash can right around the corner from my garage, so there's a mushroom cloud of white drywall dust all around me, which i am used to by now. out of nowhere, this giant gust of wind rips between the houses and u-turns right this whole batch of dust into the garage... car is covered, over then next few days, there were tire tracks and feet prints that you could clearly see, it looked like a csi crime scene... so i swept the garage out, washed and vacuumed out the car, cleaned the door jambs and all. i didn't clean inside the engine bay, maybe next time... then my buddy called and said he was bbq'ing, so i cleaned myself up and went over, and finally relaxed for a bit in the nice weather.

here's a story i get to blog about till now...
so, the day after xmas, i went to the blues hockey game with a friend. we had burgers and beers before the game, more beers at the game (i'm off work the next day, right?) then more beers after the game, we were meeting some people at McGirk's, right by my buddy's house, which is where i am definately staying the night by this point... Great irish band, with a guitar, a fiddle, and an electric bagpipe (it had an air pump attached, so it was just the pipes) very cool! so it's almost closing time, 12:30ish, and this Really Drunk guy stumbles in, literally... i mean having a hard time standing up drunk... so my buddy starts talking to the guy, cuz he's just like that... so this guy slurs "heyyyy, lemme buy you guys a driiiiink", so he staggers over to the bar and orders something, pays her $40 and doesn't get any change back. he starts waving us over because he can't carry drinks 10 feet to our table... here's the drinking tip... if some Really drunk guy is going to buy you a drink, perhaps this just might be the particular drink that has landed him in this state... so there on the bar are 3 Harp beers (for chasers) and 3 Irish car bombs. an irish car bomb is 3/4 of a draght glass of Guinness, and a shot glass, half bailey's irish cream and half jamieson irish whiskey. and he explains that you have to just chug it down or the guinness will start to curdle the bailey's, as he drops the shots into the guinnii (plural?) like depth charges... i'm always up for a challenge, so i slam mine with the drunk guy, my buddy says he can't do it cuz he has to drive (i later find out that it's just because he's done one of these before) so i slam his too. then we all stammer back to our table and drink the harp beer at a normal pace... last call lights come on, and we head a few blocks to my buddy's house, where i pass out on a futon mattress on his floor...
9:00am, he jumps in the shower and has to go to work, so i head home. what a horrible ride home it was, with a power hangover... i'm about half way, near the airport (where there are no exits or good places to pull over) and start getting the cold body sweats, i thought i was going to hurl, so i'm trying to plan a route over to the shoulder and i'll lean across, and take care of business out the passenger door... but with a quick opening of the windows, the cold air made it go away, and i was fine (with a headache) the rest of the way home...
That was the only day of my vacation that I didn't work on my house, i slept till like 3 that afternoon, and then watched tv (at low volume) for the rest of the day...

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