Sunday, November 11, 2007


everyone needs to keep an eye on me and my stuff... if my dreams last night were trying to tell me something. i usually don't dream at all, or don't remember them or however you see it... i just wake up. well last night i was dreaming, first one, i was on a camping trip with most of the people from the drunkfest float trip. there was a big bonfire, and a stack of hay bails that everyone was sitting on. i see a cute girl walk by, and just sit there and watch her go by. then i say to myself, you need to go ask her out, and stop being worried about getting rejected. so i catch up to her and start talking... and here's where the far fetched part starts, she's actually gonna give me her phone number... so i reach to get my phone (my brain and life-line) to write it down, and it's Gone!!! so i guess the dream me gave up on the girl and went frantically looking for my phone in the hay bails where i was sitting and all around the camp grounds... then i woke up in a panic, reached over to the night stand, and there was my phone... ahh, i'm better now, it's 3am so i go get a drink of water and go back to bed. then i start dreaming again... i'm driving my new car out highway 40, then down highway K, and i'm in a hurry for something, not quite sure... and i'm almost out of gas (like i won't even make it to where i'm going). so i pull into a gas station and go to fill up... the pump won't take my debit card, and you know how patient i am with electronics and machines that don't work... so i have to hit pay inside, and fill the tank. i go in the quicky mart, and have to stand in a line of about 8 people buying soda and smokes, one hooshier had a nascar calendar... their internet is down, so they can't debit or credit inside either, so i have to spend almost all of my cash on the fillup, and go out to my car.... where's my car??? it's gone!! someone's stolen my new car with a full tank of gas (which pissed me off to a whole new second level). then i woke up again, it's now 4am. i went out to get another drink of water, checked to make sure my car was in the garage... it was, everything's fine, back to bed and don't wake up till 8 when my phone alarm goes off (no dreams in the last sleep period). hit the shower and worked on my brother's house all day... we'll see what tonight's sleep brings....


Nichole said...

You're so goofy. You have no need to fear rejection. And if the only dream you can remember is one of a hot chick but you wake up looking for your phone, well, that's just sad LoL.

Diana said...

Mikey- In your dream you gave me your phone for "safe keeping"...LOL!