Sunday, November 25, 2007

good weekend

well, i had a pretty good long thanksgiving weekend. i went to pujols 5 with some buddies wednesday night, it was okay. went to big paul and bonnie's (my parent's) house for thanksgiving day, ate too much of granny's chicken and dumplings (awesome), and put a new video card in paul's computer. yanno i can't to go anywhere without fixing something. friday got up early, picked up dr. mike and went to the guitar center, cuz i had a special 20% off coupon, and had my eye on an ovation 12-string. the coupon was only good for in stock items, and they didn't have the one i wanted, so i saved some $ and didn't buy anything. then i set big paul up with a laptop since the new video card didn't fix his computer, it's the motherboard... which i have to try to find on ebay. when i got home i put up my xmas lights all the way around the roof. then i went to see my friend margi's band in st. charles, that was fun. saturday i put up my xmas tree, got the lights and ornaments on it, but i need to get some garland or something, it's pretty boring. saturday night was paula's surprise birthday party at jive & wail. that was awesome! had a blast there... till everyone left me, all i had was the shot girl trying to get me to buy the rest of her tray of shots, which was nice. sunday i scraped my living room ceiling, i still have to do the dining room & kitchen half, then re-mud the whole thing, which will hopefully happen next weekend.


mckay said...

i just bought a guitar and am having password issues on my new smartass phone. i wish i had a creative techie buddy like you in the same time zone.
(here via violet's page)


Uncle Mikey said...

it'd be nice to be in your time zone, i'm sure it's alot warmer. i would help with all of your geekly needs, are you single? send picture of guitar, lol.