Thursday, March 8, 2007


well, at least tomorrow's friday, my thursday kinda sucked. going back to work at the office sucked, i got to work from home all day wednesday. i got so much more done than i would have at the office. our supreme revit being came over and we worked on revit mep engineering stuff all day. the house was buzzing with a high level of geekiness. today i was in the office, back to the usual unavoidable hearing of personal phone calls on all sides of me, the dick-weed that sits next to me, who smacks while eating, and chews with his mouth open, snacking all day... i want to throw up on him from over the cubicle wall. sounds like he's giving head over there, it's disgusting. so i put on my headphones and crank them way up, it still doesn't drown out cell phones ringing and the paging system. i listened to Beastie Boys - Paul's Boutique on repeat today, one of my favorite albums of all time. that made the day a little better.
i thought i was going to cash in on the american idol dead pool. there is a pool where we picked our top 6 winners, and we get points for every round our people are still in it. there is also a side bet (the dead pool) for 5 bucks a week, where if you guess All of the people to be voted off, you get the pot... i was feeling very confident, because the 4 i had picked to go tonight all gave stellarly horrible efforts this week... well, the pool's still growing as of tonight because of the big upset. i have Sabrina to win the whole show, and she was voted off tonight. what a crock of bullshit!! she's been among the top 4 performances each week... gone. and sanjai (mowgli from jungle book) is still alive?? i wish they would post actual stats, such as exact number of votes each, age and sex of the actual voters. this is the first season i've actually watched american idol, i've always stood by my theory that they are all collectively not worth a shit as far as real music (what i like) goes. sure, the winner will cut one fake teeny/pop/dance shit shingle, that they didn't write, or play an instrument on. and all the teenage girls will make their parents buy it, so it will sell alot. but in the big scheme of things in the rest of the musical world, they will still just be an overrated kareoke singer. so i actually gave it a chance, and am being greatly disappointed, this will also be the last season i watch this non-musical popularity contest.
so, after watching the show, and an episode of south park, and general conversation, i head home at around 10pm. i was telling everyone how excited i am, because i'm getting my car window fixed friday afternoon. i haven't been able to roll down my window for almost a month. i remember on the way home that still have a 2x4 in my door holding the window glass up in place. so, not wanting to be the idiotic picture of the month on the car dealership's website, i took apart my door panel again, took out the lumber, and put the door back together. it didn't take too long, it's the third time, i'm getting pretty good at the whole door panel process.
i've also had a sinus headache all day, and developed a sneeze and runny/stuffy nose today. so like i said, at least tomorrow's friday.
if anyone's interested in looking at someone who has more musical talent than all the contestants from every year combined, check out my friend Jimmie Bruhn.

1 comment:

Dave Morris said...

A-MEN my friend. AMEN.

So you successfully pulled out your wood last night?