Tuesday, May 1, 2007


So, it's time for my... now, bi-monthly update... i haven't had time to look at anyone's blogs, much less write in my own...
Last night, it's almost 3:30am, i wake up because i hear a loud noise. i sit up and look at a silhouette of the cat, he's sitting in the open window (on where the window sill will go if i ever finish trimming the windows out). he then starts shrieking and hissing, there's a crash against the screen, and he jumps down and goes screaming down the hallway, still making a horrible howling and hissing noise. i jump out of bed, and can see a whirl-wind of action in the back yard, Thing 1 is chasing Thing 2 around in circles in the back yard, and there's more shrieking and hissing out there. i don't know if it's Oliver (the cat) or not, so i felt the screen, and it's still intact (i thought he jumped through it and was getting his ass kicked by something) so i know he's still inside, and whatever is outside is still outside. so the battle heads across the back yard and goes away into the night. i go to find Oliver without turning any lights on, cuz i didn't want to rattle him any more... he's standing in the middle of the hallway, in a full karate stance! back arched way up, tail is about 3 inches in diameter, and straight up, and i can hear him panting... so i got down and reached out toward him real slow like, cuz i didn't want him to kick My ass again... he eventually calmed down, but didn't come back into the bedroom the rest of the night. this morning, i went out back to see what i could find, and there were little piles of rabbit tail fur all over the back yard, mostly right under my window. i'm assuming it was my new neighbor's cat, she lets it run loose at night. Oliver heard it attack and was scared to death, it was a riot. i don't know if he was trying to jump out, or if the one out there tried to jump in, but one of them ran into the screen really hard.
what else is new??? the lawn is looking pretty good. my neighbor Damien (i not only call him damien because that's his name, he is also the evil one, and has better grass than i do) threw down the gauntlet by fertilizing his yard one weekend before i could get to mine... so my fertilizer and weed killer are taking effect, and it's looking descent. after mowing saturday morning, i walked back and forth thru my mowing lines with weed-b-gone in one hand and dandelion/clover killer in the other. i looked like the Wyatt Errp of Lawnsville!!! man, were my trigger fingers tired.
i turned in all the paperwork for my passport monday. i went and got my picture taken for it at walgreens sunday, well, first their camera didn't work, then the scanner machine wouldn't work, then their photo printer wasn't working either. so i drove down the street to the next walgreens and got it done there. he even made me put on one of their blue "photo guy" lab shirts, because i had a white t-shirt on, and against the white background, it looked like my head was floating in space. i take all my stuff to the post office downtown because i'm close the the expedited shipping deadline to have it in time for the trip, and find out they don't do passports there, so i had to walk to the post office at olive and tucker (remember this is the first 90 degree day of the year). my postal worker said that expedited ones are only taking 3-4 weeks, which is shorter than i had heard, so i should have it in plenty of time...
i need to get back to work on the house, hopefully i'll get a bunch done this weekend. i need to frame out and drywall the shadow boxes, i've now got my LED lights, so i need to test and see how many i need for each shelf, and get that all wired up...
well, that's all for now


Diana said...

Glad to hear that you finally went to send off for your passport...I was getting worried when I heard over the weekend that you still hadn't. :o)

Violet said...

eeewwwww.... for the next ten years, you're passport picture will have the shirt of some guy that worked at the walgreens where you got your picture taken... something about that just isn't right.

Nichole said...

Hey! Who's taking care of MY Cat while youre gone? I don't want just anyone caring for him! LoL