Friday, September 15, 2006

oliver the cat

Oliver, the Six Million Dollar cat, had to go to the vet today, because he's been sick. He had the sneezes last weekend, but they went away, then yesterday he got worse, he had even less energy than normal, and wasn't eating... So i took him in this afternoon, got a whole gamut of tests run, came home and cut the grass, then went back to pick him up. So, $241.36 later, they're not exactly sure what he's got, hopefully just an infection, he's running a fever, that's about all the conclusive evidence there is of being sick. I've got a weeks worth of antibiotics to give him (fun, he loves pills) and we'll see how he's doing after that. He's lucky i like him, he was almost totaled today... $241 is way more than his blue book value...

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